Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Lindy, one of my boss­es on the Kath­leen Jo, aimed her iPhone down the fish hold hatch. She called, “You hate me now, but you’ll appre­ci­ate these later!”

No way,” I replied. “I’d nev­er hate you, and I already appre­ci­ate them.”

And it was true. For a writer/blogger, there’s no greater gift than crew­ing for fish­er­men who love to doc­u­ment their life at sea.


Tele with Halibut

Knee-deep in 4000 pounds of halibut.


Jeytlin, my enthusiastic 5 year old shipmate, on her first time in a hold full of halibut: "They're very slide-able!"

Jeytlin, my enthu­si­as­tic helper, on her first time in a hold full of hal­ibut: “They’re very slide-able!”


A halibut heart provides an early anatomy lesson.

A hal­ibut heart pro­vides an ear­ly anato­my lesson.



Mike gives a knot-tying lesson.

Mike gives a knot-tying lesson.


A good mariner practices her knots.

A good mariner prac­tices her knots.


Teyen, age 2, is young for the deck yet, but likes joining his dad in the captain's seat.

Teyen, age 2, is young for the deck yet, but likes join­ing his dad in the cap­tain’s seat.


Bath time for boat kids.

Bath time for boat kids.


Balancing work with play: Team Thomas makes time for White Sulphur Hot Springs.

Bal­anc­ing work with play: Team Thomas makes time for White Sul­phur Hot Springs.


Shar­ing pho­tos with­out their accom­pa­ny­ing sto­ries is hard for me, friends, but time is short. I’m most­ly off-line, devot­ing the next few days to work­ing on my book, and just want­ed to give you a quick glimpse into our recent trip. (Imag­ine: that hal­ibut you see in the store might have been iced by a five year old deck­hand!) Thanks for under­stand­ing, and know that even with­out the exchange of words, you’re in my thoughts. Best wish­es to all.