Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Just a short update here, friends. The deck is loaded with all of our long­line gear, the fish hold is opti­mistic with plen­ty of ice and bait, and I just got my last show­er until we’re back in town. All that remains is a quick run for gro­ceries, then we’ll untie this evening and set off for our first hal­ibut trip. Deliv­er­ing fresh fish, we can’t stay out for longer than five days; hope­ful­ly, we won’t need close to that much time to catch our small quota.

Before head­ing out of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, I just want­ed to share some news with you. Hooked had a big day yes­ter­day, appear­ing some new places, mak­ing some new friends.

Author Patri­cia Sands’ blog’s tagline is, “Every­one has a sto­ry,” and Patri­cia is a pow­er­ful facil­i­ta­tor in shar­ing those sto­ries.  We’ve been fol­low­ing one anoth­er’s work since last fall, and I’ve been impressed with Patri­ci­a’s enthu­si­asm, com­mit­ment, and gen­eros­i­ty in host­ing a diverse range of guests. I was hon­ored to be inter­viewed on her blog yes­ter­day, talk­ing about the fishing/boat life, boat cats, and writ­ing. Please do pay her site a vis­it, and Patri­cia, many thanks — I had a great time talk­ing with you and your readers!

If you’re not famil­iar with Grist, this is an excel­lent time to get to know their work. “A bea­con in the smog,” this envi­ron­men­tal online mag­a­zine is known for its wry, hip tone — yet they accept­ed an arti­cle from so-not-fun­ny me any­way, “How Catch­ing Salmon Can Save a For­est.” Thanks for let­ting one of the not-so-cool kids sit at your table, Grist!

Just in time… The cap­tain’s got his gro­cery list ready to go, my crew­mate’s fin­ished sub­mit­ting a cou­ple pho­tos to some con­tests, and I’m the only one hold­ing up this pro­gram any­more. Best wish­es, all — be well, and we’ll be back in touch soon.