Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Apolo­gies for the last minute notice, friends, but I’ll be talk­ing fish and writ­ing on Port Townsend’s KPTZ this after­noon, 2:30 to 3:30 PST. You can livestream the show here, through KPTZ’s web­site. Big grat­i­tude to host Phil Andrus for extend­ing this invi­ta­tion, for what may be a series of con­ver­sa­tions over the course of the fish­ing sea­son. No promis­es that today’s talk will be very elo­quent — I’m admit­ted­ly pret­ty ragged today, charg­ing between three coun­ties from cold stor­age to fish deliv­er­ies to boat check to radio sta­tion to home — but I’m cer­tain we’ll have a good time. Please join us if you’re able to, and any sug­ges­tions of what you’d like to hear in our future con­ver­sa­tions, please do let me know!