Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

The View From Sitka: Home

We haven’t start­ed fish­ing yet, but the good ship Char­i­ty’s cap­tain and crew have offi­cial­ly entered the first sleep deprived delir­i­um of our sea­son. (It won’t be the last.) Just a quick update to let you know that we pulled into Sitka’s Elia­son...

F/V Charity, North to Alaska

A moun­tain of unavoid­able boat projects caused a few days’ delay, but I’m now rea­son­ably cer­tain that the good ship Char­i­ty will pull out of Seattle’s Fisherman’s Ter­mi­nal today. As cer­tain as a deck­hand ever can be, that is. If...