Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

FISH 2012: Call for Artists!

Here’s an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty, friends… The Uni­ver­si­ty of Okla­homa School of Art and Art His­to­ry wants your entries for their Fish 2012 Inter­na­tion­al Art Com­pe­ti­tion. The theme is “art relat­ed to the cul­ture of fish­ing,” and what that means is wide...

Mount Edgecumbe Presiding

The view of our neigh­bor­hood, friends: Cap’n J got this one a few evenings ago. Mount Edge­cumbe nev­er fails to bring a smile to my face. On April 1st, that smile expands to a chuck­le as I remem­ber our vol­cano’s role in one of the most...

Exxon Valdez: 23 Years Later

I was 11 years old when Bligh Reef ripped open the Exxon Valdez’s steel bel­ly, bleed­ing over 40,000 tons of crude into the pris­tine waters of Prince William Sound. My fam­i­ly had trad­ed Alaskan res­i­den­cy for our migrant lifestyle by then, set­ting up...