Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Boat Cats. Fishermen. Heaven.

Some of you know my weaknesses. Pie. Baked treats in gen­er­al. Delight­ful­ly pat­terned socks. Pens, paper, emp­ty note­books wait­ing to be filled. Fab­ric. Crafty peo­ple. Books. Bread and cheese. Those one-size-fit-all stretchy gloves. Hand­writ­ten cards....

Cap’n J Visits the Oregon Coast

Almost at Nation­al Nov­el Writ­ing Mon­th’s mid­point, I’m still buried in this month-long exer­cise to pro­duce as many words as pos­si­ble. (They say 50,000; I’m shoot­ing for writ­ing every day and being thank­ful for what­ev­er results. I’m already break­ing the...

On Writing, Then and Now

Hap­py Nation­al Day on Writ­ing, friends! Yeah, that’s lit­tle me. Some things haven’t changed much since 1980, parked at a desk in my par­ents’ Wasil­la, Alas­ka, vet­eri­nary clin­ic. I still keep a stash of ani­mal crack­ers near­by as moti­va­tion,...