Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Merry Solstice, Friends!

As you know, I’m not so much into the hol­i­days, but Sol­stice always res­onates with our sea­son­al­ly dri­ven, migra­to­ry life. So it was a spe­cial treat to start today with one of Lynn School­er’s stun­ning Alaskan pho­tographs, cap­tioned with his own...

You’re Invited: Alaska Book Week 2012

It’s Day Five of Alas­ka Book Week, bud­dies! I’m quite late in giv­ing you the heads-up (apolo­gies), but you can still join this annu­al cel­e­bra­tion of Alaskan authors and books: ABW 2012 is Octo­ber 6 ‑13. In its sec­ond year, ABW is host­ed by the good folks at...