Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

This isn’t the first time I’ve post­ed about fish­er­men lost at sea. It won’t be the last.

Such is the nature of our pro­fes­sion. More than a pro­fes­sion: every time we leave the dock, we throw the dice because, for so many of us, this is a life we love beyond all ratio­nale or rea­son. Look­ing into the pho­tos of the five young — so young! — Nova Sco­tia fish­er­men lost, I rec­og­nize that fero­cious love. But that does­n’t help the fam­i­lies left behind.

Nei­ther does this can­dle, nor this med­i­ta­tion on the true price of fish. Yet griev­ing is rit­u­al­is­tic. When loss at sea becomes so famil­iar as to feel inevitable, I turn to these rites.

The Price of Fish, RIP Miss Ally, 2.19.13

Rest in peace, Cap­tain Katlin Nick­er­son, Bil­ly Jack Hat­field, Joel Hop­kins, Steven Cole Nick­er­son, and Tyson Townsend. My heart goes out to your fam­i­lies and communities.