Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Cap’n J’s Recovery and Launch

Often, the most impor­tant thing you can do for your­self is also the hard­est thing. That was Cap’n J’s expe­ri­ence last spring, when his doc­tor took one look at his knee’s MRI and shook his head. “You’re not get­ting on a boat this sum­mer.” Those eight...

Reuniting with Cap’n J Beneath a Supermoon

Five days goes fast when that’s the fix to car­ry you through the next three months with­out your sweet­heart. Cap’n J and I made the most of it, though. Break­fast with our favorite folks at The Lit­tle Cheer­ful. Fam­i­ly snug­gle time with Bear. Mak­ing...

The Gift of Injury: Community, Defined.

The 16 days since Joel blew out his knee have been a bit of a blur. Right away, our liv­ing room expand­ed. It became din­ing room, with steam­ing bowls of com­fort foods like home­made mac & cheese and rhubarb crisp crowd­ing the cof­fee table, and...

Hooked on KPTZ Today!

Apolo­gies for the last minute notice, friends, but I’ll be talk­ing fish and writ­ing on Port Townsend’s KPTZ this after­noon, 2:30 to 3:30 PST. You can livestream the show here, through KPTZ’s web­site. Big grat­i­tude to host Phil Andrus for extend­ing this...

An Abrupt Course Change

“Some­times the slight­est things change the direc­tions of our lives, the mer­est breath of a cir­cum­stance, a ran­dom moment that con­nects like a mete­orite strik­ing the earth. Lives have swiveled and changed direc­tion on the strength of...