Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Signing Off, with an Invitation

Short­ly after my return Down South this Sep­tem­ber, I received a let­ter from my friend Sarah. A real, hon­est-to-good­ness let­ter: USPS-ush­ered from Seat­tle to Belling­ham, turquoise enve­lope dou­ble-stamped in hon­or of its heft. The card was...

Cap’n J’s Recovery and Launch

Often, the most impor­tant thing you can do for your­self is also the hard­est thing. That was Cap’n J’s expe­ri­ence last spring, when his doc­tor took one look at his knee’s MRI and shook his head. “You’re not get­ting on a boat this sum­mer.” Those eight...

Hooked on KPTZ Today!

Apolo­gies for the last minute notice, friends, but I’ll be talk­ing fish and writ­ing on Port Townsend’s KPTZ this after­noon, 2:30 to 3:30 PST. You can livestream the show here, through KPTZ’s web­site. Big grat­i­tude to host Phil Andrus for extend­ing this...