Tele Aadsen

writer - fisherman - listener

Coming Home

I wrote this for Fish­er­Po­ets Gath­er­ing 2019. All this time lat­er, I remain thank­ful for the deeply heal­ing gift of shar­ing these words with a com­pas­sion­ate audi­ence in the sacred space of Asto­ri­a’s KALA Gallery. Maybe it’s strange to post now,...
Bear the Boat Cat: 8.2.06 — 9.4.18

Bear the Boat Cat: 8.2.06 — 9.4.18

In the spring lead­ing up to the 2006 salmon sea­son, Joel and I had already endured two sum­mers as a cou­ple sep­a­rat­ed by our boats. As he pre­pared for his sec­ond sea­son run­ning the Ner­ka, I debat­ed my options: would I con­tin­ue...

If There is Only Today

Kevin, sweet­ie – Over 18 years antic­i­pat­ing your death, brac­ing for it, while near­ly believ­ing the leg­ends of your immor­tal­i­ty. Want­i­ng to believe them. Over 18 years prepar­ing for a loss that, turns out, can’t be pre­pared for at all. You...

How We Will Weather This

August: The May­day wakes me. The radio vol­ume is low, but it reach­es the fo’c’sle. A man, his voice an octave shy of hys­te­ria, yanks me from the bunk, pulling me upstairs. “There’s a boat one mile off Cape Adding­ton tak­ing on water! It’s...